Meet Yvonne Cheuk
Yvonne Cheuk
Additional Languages Spoken: Cantonese and Mandarin
Yvonne is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) who graduated from the University of Wollongong with a Master of Nutrition and Dietetics. She is originally from Hong Kong and fluent in Cantonese and Mandarin. With Cross cultural sensitivity, she works well with people from a variety of cultures. She is passionate about providing individualised dietary advice to help people meet their nutritional requirements and achieve their health goals. She enjoys travelling, cooking and trying new recipes. She loves sharing her passion for real food and motivating others to eat well and stay well.
Her areas of interest include:
- Weight management (Overweight and obesity, Malnutrition and underweight)
- Diabetes (Impaired Glucose Tolerance, Type 2 Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes)
- Heart Health (High cholesterol & High blood pressure)
- Gout
- Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
- Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies (Incl Anaemia)
Food Allergies & Intolerances
卓韻儀 (Yvonne)
語言:英文/ 廣東話/ 國語
崗大學取得營養學碩士學位。Yvonne具有多年相關工作經驗,致力為病人提供個人化飲食計 劃,協助促進病人優良生活質素
- 體重管理
- 糖尿病
- 心血管疾病 (高膽固醇,高血壓)
- 脂肪肝
- 痛風
- 食物敏感症
- 維生素及礦物質缺乏症