Meet Dr Frank Ng
Special Interests: Dermatology, Aged Care, Paediatrics, Shared Obstetric Care, Internal Medicine, Health Check, Surgical Procedures and Skin Cancer Removal.
Dr Frank Ng completed his medical degree at the University of Melbourne in 2004 with honours. He holds Fellowships of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP), the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (FACRRM) and Advanced Rural General Practice (FARGP). In pursuit of excellency in patient care, he further obtained an Advanced Diploma of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, a Diploma of Child Health and Certificates in Skin Cancer Medicine and Dermoscopy. In 2014, he completed a Master of Public Health & Tropic Medicine and has published his research internationally on Q fever and Malaria.
He is a keen teacher as well as a keen learner. Currently, he is a college examiner of the FRACGP as well as an assessor of the FARGP. He continues to be involved in the mentoring of medical students and GP registrars.
His areas of interest include dermatology, aged care, men’s health, surgical procedures, travel medicine and antenatal care. After finishing his residency training at the Austin Hospital, he spent several years in rural Victoria as a GP obstetrician. Outside of Australia, he has volunteered as a medical relief worker in Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand and China to treat patients who could not afford healthcare. His dream is to deliver world-class healthcare to third world countries across the globe with his wife who is also a doctor.
伍俊熙醫生是澳洲註冊內外全科執業家庭醫生,2004年以榮譽醫學士畢業於墨爾本大學醫學院並獲得外科獎狀。專業資格包括澳洲皇家全科醫學院院士,和澳洲偏遠醫療專科醫學院院士。作為全備的家庭醫生,他亦考取兒科, 婦產科, 皮膚診斷科和皮膚癌醫學的文憑證書。在2014年,他獲得公共衛生科及熱帶病科碩士,並在國際醫療刊物中,發表其對瘧疾和Q熱病的研究報告。
伍醫生除了對深造的專科有經驗以外,對皮膚科,兒科,老人醫學,心臟科,糖尿病,男科疾病(如前列腺疾病),旅行醫學,和外科小手術 (包括皮膚癌切除,外傷縫合,骨折處理,內嵌腳趾甲手術,皮膚疣冷凍治療) 也亦甚具心得。伍醫生亦提供Q fever測試和疫苗。
語言: 普通話、 粵語、英語
專長: 皮膚科,外科小手術,兒科,老人醫學,心臟科,糖尿病,男科疾病, Q fever疫苗
預約致電: (03) 9020 4222