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    Life Shape Nutrition & Dietetic

    Life Shape Nutrition & Dietetic



    Speaks English

    Meet Life Shape Nutrition & Dietetic

    Fleurette is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist who has a keen interest in private practice consulting; in areas such as weight management, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Fleurette is also a Paediatric Dietitian specialising in fussy eating, weight management and a range of nutritional deficiencies.

    Her inspiration to become a dietitian stems from the belief that everyone deserves to be healthy. Fleurette is passionate about empowering and educating clients towards healthy eating practices, enabling them to adopt lifestyle changes to treat or prevent chronic disease.

    Fleurette’s background includes a Bachelor of Science degree, from the University of Sydney and a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of Newcastle. Fleurette is also a current member of the Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA).

    Our dietitian Fleurette Pereira, is available on alternate Mondays. Appointments required. Accepts EPC Referral from GP.
    Health Fund Rebates Available.

    For appointments, please call (02) 9051 2888
    Locations: Fairfield, Parramatta, Miranda, Castle Hill