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    Dr Sidd Sarmah

    Dr Sidd Sarmah

    MBBS, MRCGP(UK), DFRSH, FRACGP, Cert (Skin Cancer Medicine and Surgery)

    General Practitioner, Male

    Speaks English

    Meet Dr Sidd Sarmah

    Doctor Sidd Sarmah is Smith Collective's resident skin GP. He trained in general practice and emergency medicine in the UK going on to complete his membership from the Royal College of General Practitioners. He holds a fellowship with the RACGP and has also completed advanced certificates in skin cancer. Doctor Sarmah is also a GP tutor and examiner for Bond University.

    His special interests are in the field of skin cancer, cosmetics, men’s health, musculoskeletal medicine, chronic pain and mental health. 

    Dr Sarmah is a keen tennis enthusiast and is a regular at the Mudgeeraba Tennis Club and loves to spend his time with his young family and two dogs in the Mudgeeraba hinterland.