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    Get Better Physiotherapy

    Get Better Physiotherapy



    Speaks English

    Meet Get Better Physiotherapy

    Get Better Physiotherapy was established in 2012 by the founder Garima Bharti  who observed a gap in the provision of Physiotherapy services. Patients were not being heard, were strapped to machines and physios were seeing 2-3 people at the same time dancing between cubicles! There was no emphasis on immediate pain relief by using hands on techniques like joint mobilizations and muscle tension release.

    So Garima created a clinic where :

    ✅ Patients were heard to get a clear understanding of their injury while maintaining their privacy in a room not just a cubicle!

    ✅ Patients were given hands on therapy/manual therapy to give immediate pain relief.

    ✅ Patients were educated about how their daily activities were affecting their recovery.

    ✅ Patients were given a guided plan of action for long term results not short fixes 

    Garima has over 20 years of experience working as a Physiotherapist. She’s a member of  the Australian Physiotherapy Association, an associate lecturer at University of Queensland and a Certified Reformer Pilates instructor.

    Our Vision: To get our patients 100% PAIN FREE!

    Our Mission: To educate our patients about the benefits of using manual therapy for immediate relief but also empower them by educating them about long term recovery.