Meet Cho Wan Wong
Cho Wan (Natalie) Wong
Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) | Nutrition Consultant
B. NutSc, M. Diet, APD
Natalie is a supportive and caring dietitian, qualified with a Master of Dietetics from Monash University. She is committed to providing evidence-based, personalized care and is dedicated to fostering safe and trusting relationships with clients by understanding each individual’s unique background. Clients can expect not only expert nutritional advice but also a supportive partner on their journey towards transformative and lasting lifestyle changes.
Fluent in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese
Natalie offers multilingual services in:
- Weight loss and weight management (e.g., overweight, underweight, bariatric
surgery support) - General nutrition (e.g., regulating eating habits, malnutrition, micronutrient
deficiencies) - Chronic disease management (e.g., diabetes, hyperlipidemia, fatty liver,
hypertension) - Gastrointestinal disease management (e.g., IBS, IBD, coeliac disease)
- Women's nutrition management (e.g., PCOS, pregnancy, menopause diet)
- 减肥和体重管理(如超重、体重不足,减肥手术营养管理等)
- 一般营养管理(如调节饮食习惯、营养不良、微量元素缺乏等)
- 慢性病管理(如糖尿病、高脂血症、脂肪肝、高血压等)
- 胃肠道疾病管理(如肠易激综合征、肠易激综合征、乳糜泻,肠胃不适等)
- 女性营养管理(如多囊卵巢综合症、孕期饮食、更年期饮食等)